Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A couple of pictures of our new Playground and Fitness Park.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Land is ready and waiting...

It's been quite a busy few weeks. More fundraisers, more planning, more donations and a brand new baby from one of our committee members. Welcome baby Claire, we are so excited to finally meet you.  It's so hard to believe that next Saturday this time, our Build will be completed. Where has the time gone? There is still so much to do but we are getting there. The LAND IS READY AND WAITING. Thanks to everyone who helped prep the land, we really appreciate your time and talent.
Only 7 more sleeps till Build Day...Can we do it? YES, we can. Join us next Saturday as we come together and build a new community gathering place for one and all.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

12 More days

Where has the time gone? Wow! Build Day is in another 12 days and we are closer than ever to reaching our goal....so excited! The students are in disbelief that they will have  a new playground in less then two weeks. So much so that three little Kindergarten students went door to door in their neighbourhood asking for money for the playground, without asking their parents. I thought this was priceless...We just finished another fundraiser, a BBQ Supper and raised $1600. Thank you to everyone who donated goods, and to those that came out to show their support once again. A special thank you to those who helped prepare the supper, without volunteers like you, we would not exist. THANK YOU!
We are starting an online auction on our Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10151777622465442&id=873990441&ref=notif&notif_t=feed_comment_reply#!/groups/133535930100137/
Feel free to check out the items up for bid in the next day or two.
As always, thank you to everyone for your continued support.