Wow, after another wonderful fundraiser in our town, we raised $640 towards the new playground. The weather was great, the food was delicious and the people were spectacular. We would really like to say thank you to everyone who came out to help, and to all the students who showed up, especially those of you on our committee. We know there was somewhere else you probably wanted to be on such a nice day but you all chose to help out instead. A great bunch of students who already know so much about civic responsibility and giving back. This has been a wonderful learning experience for them and I am so proud to be a part of this project with them. There's a saying that goes like this " It takes a village to raise a child" but I believe that sometimes it takes a child to raise a village. Children are honest, and real, and we need to have more faith in them. The kids that cleaned those vehicles today have taught me that giving a little means a lot.
In three short weeks, we will be having our very own Build Day. Right now, money wise we are just over the halfway mark of our goal. Since February, when we started fundraising, I never once doubted that we would meet our goal. Now with just three weeks left, I am starting to wonder BUT I still believe that we will reach our goal. The students of our schools chose the new playground and fitness park equipment, and I really want to give them what they picked during Dotmocracy. Have's a wonderful thing. This project is a wonderful thing and we are so looking forward to Build Day, June 16, 2012.
We hope to see you there.
Again THANK YOU to everyone.